Ricky Archer

Director of National Parks & Director, Parks Australia Division DCCEEW

He is a Djungan man from the Western Tablelands region of North Queensland who has previously served as CEO of the North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance (NAILSMA). 

Ricky's involvement extends to collaborating with government entities, having served on several Commonwealth committees, including the Indigenous Advisory Committee, the National Landcare Advisory Committee, and contributing to the Samuel review – the independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Ricky is a strong supporter and advocate of the Indigenous Ranger movement and the Indigenous Protected Areas program.

Key Dates

Conference Dates: 24-26 September 2024

Abstract Submissions Open: 22 May 2024

Abstract Submissions Close: 14 July 2024 

Early Bird Registrations Open:  22 May 2024

Early Bird Registrations Close: 23 Aug 2024

Contact Us

Agentur Pty Ltd

15 Cavenagh Street, Darwin NT 0800, Australia

GPO Box 1767, Darwin NT 0801, Australia 

Enquiries: ascc2024@agentur.com.au

ABN 57 151 252 989